Why we love Netflix

Krissi Hazzan, People Section Editor

In today’s day and age, we just have way too many distractions to keep up with. We have the ability to literally know what anybody is doing at all times through social media, we can share all of our experiences with a snap of a picture or a tap of a screen. We pretty much always have something to entertain ourselves with. With these distractions plus the responsibilities and everyday activities I have as a senior in high school, I haven’t really had the time to keep up with a TV show or see a lot of movies. Well, about a year ago, I got myself into a brilliant program that has pretty much every movie or TV show that has ever aired on it completely available to me for the affordable price of $7.99 a month.
I’ll go ahead and say it, and I know for sure I’m not the only one- I have developed an intimate relationship with Netflix.
Netflix has been around since most of us have- 1997 to be exact. It started out as a subscription-only service that mailed DVDs to people. It has since 2009 become a worldwide sensation and has also been streaming TV shows since then.
Netflix has become very popular over the last few years. Almost everyone I know has an account and is watching a show or two.
And may I say, it is by far the easiest distraction. The very best part about it is that if you never saw a show when it aired, all you have to do is go on and it will take you right to the very first episode. From there, it will continue to play each episode in each season in order like a playlist. There are also no commercials. So basically, you get to continuously move through a show with no interruptions. You are never left pondering on what will happen the next episode. It is so hard to not go on to the next when it’s right there in front of you!
It is also fabulous for “Big Nights In”, which, I happen to have a lot of. Netflix has all sorts of movies to watch, even ones I’ve never even heard of before. It is single-handedly the best invention ever to be made. Sometimes I feel myself ditching my friends and my plans for dates with Netflix and I feel really bad about it, but the guilt quickly watches away when I started another new episode of Dexter or One Tree Hill.
As big as my love for it is, again, it’s quite a distraction. It only adds to all of the other entertainment we have throughout the course of our day. I’m going to be a little dramatic here, but if you get a Netflix account, you will most likely get hooked on a show, and you will become addicted to it. It doesn’t even end after one show; there are actual suggestions when you finish the show suggesting similar shows.
All in all, Netflix is very convenient and it comes at a great price. As long as you know how to balance your priorities, it shouldn’t take away your social life or cause you to fail all of your classes- not really, I’m kidding. It’s definitely the go-to when all your friends have plans and you’re lonely on the weekends with nothing to do. There are plenty of great shows waiting to be discovered!