Danny Giovinetti – Vice President

1. Why are you running for this position?

I believe that I can help make my school a better place. For example, I hope to bring everyone’s ideas to life and make it feel like everyone has a say.


2. What qualities do you have that make you stand out compared to other candidates?

I am honest, positive, and attentive. I always tell the truth and give my opinion, which can be difficult. I make it my goal to make people happy and feel included, which is important when working together. I give my full attention to anyone I talk to and consider what they are saying.


3. What do you believe makes you a great student leader?

I always work to get everyone involved. I make sure everyone feels like they are important when doing a task and that they make a difference in getting the job done.


4. If you win, what do you want your legacy to be at Township?

I wan to be known as a vice president that made a difference for our school and as a person who people could go to and rely on.


5. Who has provided the most positive influence on your development as a leader?

My mom has always been a positive influence on me and is the reason I want to be a leader in our school. She always motivates me and gives me the confidence that I can do what I set my mind to, which is something I hope to pass on to others.