Eddie Mulvihill – Treasurer

Why are you running for this position?

I would love the experience that comes with being on Top 5. Being able to get so close to a group of people, while all collaborating on various topics and events is something I look forward to doing if I get the position. I decided to run for treasurer because I think my organization and responsibility will allow for the position to be fulfilled in its entirety.

What qualities do you have that make you stand out as a leader?

My experience in leadership. In middle school I was a Student Ambassador, and a Peer Leader, where once a month we would run discussion on important topics to the 6th graders. I also have grown as a leader through my experience in sports, and drama club. Performing helps to build character on and off the stage. On top of this, this year at WTHS, on top of being in Stuco, I was also a TWP Choir Officer. Being a chorus officer entails brainstorming ideas for various events, (and during covid, there has been lots of brainstorming!) and helping to run these events. Being in various leadership groups has allowed for me to become very comfortable in leading and taking initiative.

If you win, what would you try to accomplish?

I would help to try to make the events of next school year some of the best ever. With some of the current high schoolers never experiencing some of the biggest school wide events, it is important to make these upcoming ones amazing. I also hope to continue advertisements, especially for the position as Treasurer, so that ticket sales can be up, and people can have a good, safe time with their friends, for hopefully the first time in a while.

Who has provided the most positive influence on your development as a leader?

My middle school principal Mr. Barnes, and my mom Mrs. Mulvihill. Mr. Barnes was always very encouraging towards me, and would recommend me for various positions. He encouraged me to continue in certain areas in high school. At the beginning of the year, my mom recommended certain clubs and activities to me that would help for me to get involved. That being said, these clubs and the people in them have become a second family to me, and have helped me grow as a person.

What’s one quote that has impacted your outlook on leadership and life?

“The outcome is not up to you. The outlook is.”― Germany Kent. A lot of the time, it is very easy to get down on yourself when you don’t live up to your own, personal expectations. That being said, especially in a top 5 position, not every idea will work out to be perfect like envisioned. So, I think it is always very important to stay positive and think happy thoughts, for then the outcome will follow, and you will produce an amazing product.