Mr. April – Jackson McCrae

What is the charity you chose to represent?
The Alzheimer’s Association. My grandmother died due to complications from Alzheimer’s when I was very young, so I have few memories of her. Hearing stories about her, and the woman she was, is always tough for me because of how she was taken from us. I want to try to make sure other people don’t have to go through what she went through.
Why do you best represent WTHS?
Because of how upbeat I am. I’m always full of energy and trying to put a smile on other peoples’ faces while running around doing a million different things
What is your favorite pick-up line?
Could I get a job application or interview? I heard the boyfriend position was open.
If you could pick anyone beside yourself to win, who would it be?
Ryan Crowley. We’ve been friends since I was the pitcher and he was the second-best catcher (I was better obviously) on our fifth grade intramural baseball team. He embodies everything it means to be Mr. WT and I’d love to see him get crowned when the time comes.
Favorite food:
Favorite music artist:
Rex Orange County
What TV show/movie character are you most like?
I’m like John B. from Outer Banks because I’m also in love with Sarah Cameron
What teacher or faculty member has made the biggest impact on your high school career?
I’d have to say Mrs. Pierson, my Journalism teacher and newspaper club advisor. She introduced me to Journalism and I fell in love with it. She’s been there for me since my sophomore year and showed me that writing could be fun. I also want to shout out Mrs. Ackley, who has made both marketing class and DECA experiences that I’ll never forget.
What is your go-to Wawa order?
Turkey hoagie with American cheese, honey mustard, lettuce, tomato, onion, and my secret ingredient, sweet peppers. Throw in some kind of sweet and the greatest drink of all time, a southern peach Calypso lemonade, and you’re set.
What has been your most embarrassing moment at WTHS?
My first day of Powderpuff practice senior year we were practicing throwing and our flyer went up… and came down and his elbow went right through my eye. The black eye was atrocious.
What is the first thing you buy if you win the lottery?
I’m building my own indoor basketball court in my brand-new mansion.
What has been one of the most memorable aspects of your high school experience?
Trips to Atlantic City for state competition with DECA and FBLA. Running around the hotel with my friends at night after dominating the competition during the day are some of my favorite memories from high school.
If you could change one thing about the world you live in, what would it be?
I would get rid of the 20 different streaming networks and put all the best shows on one mega-service.
If you could live within the world of a TV show/movie, which would it be?
Cars. I would love to be a little racecar vrooming around and tipping tractors.
What advice would you give to underclassmen about high school? About life?
Don’t take yourself too seriously. Life is too short to get caught up in your little mistakes. Once you’re able to start laughing at yourself, life becomes that much more enjoyable and fun.
What are your plans and goals for after high school?
I am attending Albright College where I will be double majoring in Journalism and Marketing while playing on the basketball team. I hope to end up writing articles about sports for a living. Nothing sounds better than getting paid to go to sporting events and talk to my favorite players.
Describe yourself in three words.
Yes, I’m tall.
What is something about you most people do not know?
I’m actually the biggest Harry Potter nerd on the planet. There is not one person that knows more about Harry Potter than me, and I will stand on that hill until I die.
What has been the best part about being on Mr. WT?
Just being able to spend time with such a diverse group of people. I never would have crossed paths or grown close with some of these guys if it weren’t for this experience, so I’m very glad this brought us all together.