Isabella Nelli – Corresponding Secretary

Why are you running for this position?

I would love to experience being on this amazing team of individuals as well as help the student body become more involved and participate in activities. Running for corresponding secretary, my wish would be to post on Social Media, get the word around, and create platforms that I can inform and share events, announcements, and other things for the student body to hear. I want to help people get involved in activities to make their experience in this school worthwhile such as Homecoming, Homecoming Court, Mr. WT boys, Phillies night, and many others.

What qualities do you have that make you stand out as a leader?

First, I am determined in all that I do. I always want to everything to the best of my ability and give it my all. “Do everything with 100% effort” is an important quote that I live by all the time. Another thing that makes me stand out is that I always have a positive attitude and always keep an open mind in all situations. Even in the worst situations, I try and find a positive throughout it. Furthermore, I am respectful. I always use my manners and treat everyone the way that they want to be treated.

If you win, what would you try to accomplish?

If I was blessed to lead in the Corresponding Secretary Position, I would definitely take action to help the student body become more involved. I would use Social Media platforms to create fun yet informative posts to grab student’s attention about certain events. Also, I would like to create excellent communication throughout Top 5 leaders and the students by creating something similar to a remind where texts can be sent out to inform individuals too. High School is an important time in our lives and I want everyone to make the most of it and embrace all that the school has to offer them.

Who has provided the most positive influence on your development as a leader?

My mom has always provided me with a positive influence on my development as a leader. She always taught me to be kind, stay humble, and work hard. My mother is a leader and she has always been a great role model for me to look up to and be inspired by. One day, I hope people look up to me just like my mom, for my efforts to always help others and be positive all the time.

What’s one quote that has impacted your outlook on leadership and life?

“Stay humble, Work Hard, Be Kind.” Everything you do in life should be done to the best of your ability which correlates to the “Work Hard” part of the quote. For “Stay Humble”, be happy for yourself but never brag or boast about yourself and be classy. Finally, “Be Kind” means to act loving to all people and help each other out.