Red Vox Review
An illustration of Red Vox’s lead singer and guitarist, Vinny.
The world of entertainment is a vast, fascinating world. With so many films, musicians, games, and books out there, some real gems can get pushed under the rug and drowned out by other, more popular pieces of media. However, I want to bring some of these underrated creations into the spotlight and show a wider audience some more unpopular or underground entertainment they may enjoy.
I enjoy a wide range of music genres. Pop, grunge, indie, alternative, kpop, video game BGM, goth rock… the list goes on for the type of music I find myself jamming out to on the daily. My favorite musicians and songs fluctuate often, and it’s rare that I’ll consider a musician my favorite for longer than a month or so. However, among the sea of my wild music taste, there’s one band that still remains on top as my favorite band of all time: Red Vox.
Although you may not be familiar with the band itself, you may be familiar with the lead singer. Vinny “Vinesauce” is a popular Twitch streamer and Youtuber, famous for streaming a wide selection of games ranging from popular titles to unknown, and usually very weird games from the depths of the internet. Vinny is the main vocalist, guitarist, and keyboardist for the band and also writes most of their songs. Other members of the band are Mike on percussion, Joe on bass/guitar, and Billy on piano.
(Also, yes, most members are only publicly known by their first names.)
Casual fans of Vinesauce may not exactly expect Vinny to be someone who would write serious music. He’s mostly known for playing weird games, his contagious laugh, and his funny voice impressions, so people who aren’t familiar with his band may only know him for that side of him. However, Red Vox’s music, for the most part, has really deep, meaningful messages or stories behind them, and it shocked me that someone who’s mostly known for memes can write such powerful music. Plus, Vinny’s vocals are really something else. He’s a very talented singer and songwriter, which, again, may come across as a surprise for people who only know him from his streams.
That’s not to say all of the band’s music is meant to be taken seriously, however. I’m not exactly allowed to share the album in particular due to it not being remotely school appropriate, but one of Red Vox’s albums is just one giant joke, with not a single song in there meant to be taken remotely seriously. Ironically, the album that followed was one of Red Vox’s most meaningful and impactful albums to date, Another Light. I listen to this album a lot, and I found myself listening to a lot of the songs from it during a bad depressive episode I was dealing with in the middle of this year. I may be exaggerating a bit here, but it’s not too far off to say that Red Vox’s music played a big part in the healing process for me.
Please consider checking out Red Vox’s music, especially if you’re a fan of rock bands like Nirvana or Pink Floyd. Bandcamp is probably the best place to check out their albums, as some of the songs available on there are not available elsewhere, but all of their major albums and singles are available on iTunes, Spotify, Youtube, and most other major music platforms.