The most wonderful time of the year

Cassidy Locke '18

The time for leaves falling, heavier clothes and happier times is finally here! Fall into early winter is truly the happiest season of all. Many people prefer the sun and the time off that summer has to offer but the fall can offer so much more. That’s why I think fall/ early winter are the greatest seasons of the year.

Yes, we can all agree that many people love the warm weather and trips to the beach that summer holds but after July 4th we can all also admit summer starts to slow down and some may even start to want to go back to school. Especially for teachers, once late summer rolls around money wears thin and they can’t wait to have that first paycheck again.

Some people also hate the sweltering heat that August brings; days can get up to the high 90s with horrible humidity. But in the fall teachers get paid again and there is always something to do since school and sports takes up a lot of time. So parents don’t always have to worry about leaving their kids home alone or giving them something to do. The weather also cools down to a comfortable 50-70 degrees. The air feels lighter and everyone gets to wear their favorite jackets and who doesn’t love wearing sweats and a hoodie?

There is so much more to do in fall and early winter than in the summer. You can only go to the beach so much until you get burnt (no pun intended) out of it, always doing the same thing. But during this time there is so much more to do. You can go pumpkin picking, there’s homecoming, school sports, going to nyc to visit the tree, Halloween, thanksgiving and this is also a time when families come together. If you hate the over bearing sun of the summer in the fall you can take walks and other outside activities without sweating buckets and do more outside activities. Everyone loves dressing up and getting candy for Halloween. When school starts up again everyone sees all their friends they haven’t seen all summer and everyone loves getting back into their sports and start playing again. Most people look forward to the highly anticipated homecoming and homecoming game.

But let’s all be serious, anyone to have ever experienced a thanksgiving loves it. Family comes over, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade is on and the food is great and that’s when you feel the Christmas season as started. That night everyone then goes out for black Friday which could be really fun or everyone says home and sleeps off the 54 pounds of turkey they just ate. Then after that you look forward to the Christmas season; the music, the shopping, traveling, food, snow days, decorating the whole house and the tree and the aura of happiness everywhere. I know for me going to the Rockefeller Tree is a must and a favorite to do during the first week of December. There’s other smaller aspects of the Christmas season that make it that much better is the smell of cookie and pine needles wafting

through the house brings back memories. Eagerly waiting for Christmas day but still enjoying all the things to do along the way, is what makes this season the best.

As you can see these seasons are the best, everyone is happier and things are easier. Summer can just get too boring and slow and repetitive. But during this time there seems to be something to do every week. And like Andy Williams sings, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”