Maeve Fitzgerald – President

Why are you running for this position?

I am confident in my ability to lead. I am passionate for improving the TWP Community and always am seeking greater opportunities to make a change for the better.

What qualities do you have that make you stand out as a leader?

I stand out for my whole-hearted dedication, creativity, and my outgoing and lively personality. I contribute innovative solutions to complex problems. I am a leader who is adaptive to any situation and maximizes the impact of a common goal. To me, leadership is also your attitude. I bring an upbeat and positive mindset to anything and everything. I bounce back from difficult circumstances successfully and can achieve anything I put my mind to. My character is what makes me stand out from others.

If you win, what would you try to accomplish?

I will enhance the school community by providing more opportunities and events for the student body to be together. I will also improve communication between Student Council and the student body with a goal to grow participation in events and overall school pride. I want to bring people together and make the most out of the coming year.

Who has provided the most positive influence on your development as a leader?

My mom. I have learned to go the extra mile from her example, even when it’s hard. My mom has taught me to be grateful for who I am today and keep working towards who I’ll become tomorrow. She has influenced me to persevere through obstacles and continue to smile when it feels like the world is against you. Her selflessness and drive to help others inspires me, and my leadership style, every day.

What’s one quote that has impacted your outlook on leadership and life?

“Don’t adapt to the energy in the room. Influence the energy in the room.”

This quote describes my personality outlook on leadership and life. I make the best of every situation, regardless of circumstances. Especially given the past year, it is important to not allow others’ energy to bring you down. It is more important to stay true to yourself even when the energy in the room is quiet or sad. Moreover, as a leader you must drive the energy in the room to be productive and progressive. My outlook on life is to always stay true to yourself, even when the world is going against you. I am passionate about driving change and bringing people together, both of which are central to my leadership style.