Mr. December, 2018 – Chris Ngo

What would be your advice to underclassmen concerning high school?
Embrace your own personality, people will like you for you.
What quote best describes your outlook on life?
You win some, you lose some.
If you could pick anyone besides you to win, who would it be?
Skippy or Josh. They are two of the greatest guys I’ve ever met and I think they personify best what a Mr. WT candidate should be like. I would say Jimmy too but I think he would rather not win.
Why should we choose you to be Mr. Washington TWP 2018?
You probably shouldn’t choose me for Mr. WT 2018. I think the other guys are better options if I’m being honest. I don’t know how I am even on.
What cartoon character do you relate to the most?
Winnie the Pooh. I eat, sleep, everything is a bother to me, and I’ll be there for my friends.
Childhood aspiration vs. current aspiration?
When I was younger I first wanted to be a zoologist because I love animals and would love working with them. Then I thought I wanted to be an engineer; and then I moved on to wanting to be a dermatologist. Nowadays I just want to be a stay at home dad and be coolin’ at the crib with the boys.
What is your hidden talent?
I can sleep anywhere.
How has the Mr. Washington Township nomination changed your (everyday) life?
Let me tell you how Mr. WT has changed my life. Nowadays I hear people go “Oh my god is that a Mr. WT candidate” and I respond with “No.” My Tuesdays and Thursdays are also messed up now.
How do you want to be remembered at WTHS?
Just another kid; as long as there isn’t a negative connotation with my name I don’t mind how I will be remembered.
What’s your favorite movie?
The Green Mile. It is the one movie that can get me into my feels every time I watch it and John Coffey is just such a great character.
If you could change the school mascot, what would it be?
Sean Smithson skipping through a hallway.
If you could address any issue the world faces today, what would it be?
Poverty. As a privileged person it hurts me to see people live in poverty, and I wish there was more I could do about it.
If you had the chance, what would you change about yourself?
Either my height because I’m short or my eye color.
What teacher at WTHS has had the most impact on your high school career?
I don’t think I could pinpoint it to just one teacher because I’ve had so many great teachers along the way that have impacted my career and contributed to my high school career.
What are your aspirations and plans for after graduation?
I plan to go to college, meet the love of my life, have 4 kids and end up as a stay at home dad.
What’s your favorite animal?
My favorite animals are quokkas, penguins, sea otters, and manatees.
If you could have any kind of accent, what would it be?
Either an Australian or English accent because they sound dope.
Describe your dream vacation:
Imagine this, I’m sitting on a beach chair on a beach in Hawaii, the love of my life is next to me and we’re drinking out of coconuts and watching the sunset. Suddenly, a falcon swoops down super graceful and snags a fish and flies off into the sunset.
What is the number one thing you look for in a significant other?
The most important thing to me is their personality. A girl who can cheer me up no matter what, whose personality just draws people to them. Just someone who being around makes me happy.
Describe your dream date:
Imagine this, I actually have a girl to go on a date with.