Mr. August, 2018 – Naszire Johnson

What would be your advice to underclassmen concerning high school?
Don’t get caught up in the drama; be focused on your school work.
What quote best describes your outlook on life?
“Please don’t judge me.”
What’s your favorite pick-up line?
“If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber.”
If you could pick anyone besides you to win, who would it be?
Will because he does a lot for the senior class as the President.
Why should we choose you to be Mr. Washington TWP 2018?
Because I’ve shown leadership on a different level and I’m very good looking.
What cartoon character do you relate to the most?
Mr. Krabs
Childhood aspiration vs. current aspiration?
To become a football player and now to become my own boss
What is your hidden talent?
I can lowkey dance
How has the Mr. Washington Township nomination changed your (everyday) life?
I became a lot closer to the other candidates that I didn’t think I would’ve.
How do you want to be remembered at WTHS?
Someone who has done something to help make change
What’s your favorite movie?
Black Panther because Wakanda forever!!!
If you could change the school mascot, what would it be?
Pat Patriot
If you could address any issue the world faces today, what would it be?
Gun control
If you had the chance, what would you change about yourself?
My height
If you could live anywhere besides the US, where would it be?
Florida because the weather is great and there is so much more to do.
What teacher at WTHS has had the most impact on your high school career?
Mrs. Jahn
If you could bring three things with you to a deserted island, what would they be?
Food, water, and a friend
What are your aspirations and plans for after graduation?
Going to college
If you were a superhero, what would your name and superpower be? What would your greatest weakness be?
Nazzy Nas and my super power is milly rocking. My weakness would be line dancing.
If you could create a class at WTHS what would it be?
A class where you talk about everything all sports. From the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MLS
What’s your favorite animal?
If you could have any kind of accent, what would it be?
Spanish, so I can live in Puerto Rico.
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Cookies & Cream
Describe your dream vacation:
Describe your dream date:
Going to the beach, having a nice walk and having dinner while watching the sunset.
Who is your favorite fictional character?
Michelangelo because he’s just the funniest thing ever.