Jade Iannace- Corresponding Secretary
Why did you choose this position?
I chose this position because it has the responsibility of taking care of the communication aspects of the school and student council. Next year I want to involve myself and the rest of the student body in more school activities and events.
What are three characteristics that qualify you for this position?
I consider myself sociable, reliable, and ambitious. These are characteristics that would qualify me for this position and as a great leader. I am confident I can be successful as Corresponding Secretary.
In what other school activities are you involved?
Along with Student Council I am involved in Girls Soccer, Softball, Interact, and Spanish Club.
If elected, how will you perform your duties?
If elected, I will perform my duties by staying on task with the responsibilities I am given and do everything I can to make the students in WTHS enjoy their time in high school.
What will make next year different than other years?
Next year I would like to improve the communication throughout the school. I think it’s important for everyone to participate in as many school activities and events as possible and next year I am aiming to get more people involved. I want to improve Student Council’s social media involvement and try to make communication throughout the school easier.