Marissa Huynh- Treasurer

Why did you choose this position?

I chose this position because I have always aspired to become a leader of my school. I am very proud to be a part of a school that offers its students so many opportunities to get involved with to make the most of their high school experiences, such as homecoming dances, spirit parades, etc. The money aspect of these events is a big part of what makes them so enjoyable, and as a treasurer I would like to ensure that these events receive the necessary funding to ensure students have a memorable four years of high school.

What are three characteristics that qualify you for this position?

I am very responsible, organized, and good at communicating with others. These traits would be beneficial as a treasurer because I would be able to efficiently receive and distribute money to the appropriate people. I would be organized with my work and I would keep track of money going in and out, and I would easily communicate with whoever is financially involved. Overall, as a treasurer, I would be very dedicated to any task given to me and I would ensure that our money would be spent wisely!

In what other school activities are you involved?

Along with Student Council, I’m involved with clubs such as Interact, Freshman Transition, Spanish Club, Tri-M Honor Society, National Honor Society, Chamber Orchestra, and also Varsity Girl’s Volleyball!

If elected, how you will perform your duties?

If I were to be elected treasurer, I would ensure that the financial aspects of student council would be handled both effectively and efficiently. However, I would not only focus on the money aspects of student council, but I would also try to promote Student Council events  and encourage other students to get involved in them. I believe going to school based events enables students to reach out and make new friends, and that going to StuCo events such as homecoming, Mr. WT, dodgeball, etc., will only add to making students’ high school experiences a memorable one!

What will make next year different than other years?

My hopes for next year is that Student Council will be able to interact with other clubs in the school to do more acts of community service. One of the acts of community service we do is Toys for Tots, where Student Council collaborates with Class Council to buy Christmas gifts for kids in the community. I hope that next year we will be able to branch out and work with even more clubs to do different events to give back to our community.