Forgetting the meaning

Casey Spencer '17

As Halloween comes to a close and the trick or treat candy count drops to one, many people start preparing for the next holiday consuming their minds- Christmas.

Though Thanksgiving comes before Christmas, the holiday celebrated on the last Thursday of the month of November is becoming more and more obsolete.

With Christmas displays in most store windows the day after Halloween, it is easy to quickly forget about Thanksgiving replacing it with thoughts of what Santa will leave under the Christmas tree this year. It is not that people all people think about are gifts, it is just that they are more excited to get that one thing that they really want from Santa than they are sitting next to that one weird relative while eating the stuffing they may not particularly like. How does it even compare?

On top of all that, because of those Black Friday your dreams of getting that cool expensive item sales are closer to coming true. Do not fear though, as long as you spend all of Thanksgiving day camping in a line of strangers you will get that cool new thing.

With shopping time impinging on family time the long standing tradition of cooking over the hot stove all day for a nice family meal cracks. The importance of spending time with family is overshadowed by the temptation of material goods. Instead of talking about how delicious the turkey was, the family meal conversation consists of what store everyone is going to later.

Besides all the Black Friday Shopping, another thing that makes Thanksgiving traditions vanish is the lack of spirit people have for the holiday. Some students only look forward to Thanksgiving because of the nice little break that they get from school, while some others do not look forward to the holiday at all. During Halloween, anyone can walk outside and get some candy, and during Christmas time, people receive gifts from numerous amount of people. Also, decorations for both holidays are more stand out than Thanksgiving. It is easy to put down a holiday that the only thing to look forward to is eat.

So the next time that you are sitting around a table enjoying a yummy hard made meal for Thanksgiving, remember that the purpose of the holiday is to be thankful, not to receive and that Thanksgiving should not be so easily overlooked.