High School Senior Part-Timers

D'Angelo Delgado


Being a senior in high school can be a full-time job for many students. Final exams are just beyond the horizon, driving licenses must be earned, and college applications need to be made. But when you throw a part-time job into the mix, things could get a little hectic.

Because most high school seniors are of working age, many get part-time jobs, usually to help supplement college funds or just have their own money. And while this has a lot of perks to it, most notably collecting working experience, it can have some downsides.

The most obvious downside is the clashing of schedules. If you are a senior in high school and you work, conflicting schedules are bound to happen. The key to remedying this is to manage time and study habits. Do your schoolwork as soon as possible. That way, you won’t forget about that math or vocab assignment you had the night before entering your shift.

What managers often forget about high school part-timers is that not every student operates on the same schedule. Students who take honors courses, school athletes, theater students, and many others might often have scheduling issues since a good portion of their time is spent after school.

There is also a misconception among employers that high school senior courses are short and easy, and therefore focusing on work seems more important. The reality is that most students are either trying to get into college, or find a permanent, real job. Employers should take these things into consideration when hiring a high schooler, and if they don’t, elaborate on this as you are being interviewed. Make your availability explicitly clear.

Part-time jobs might cut into your social life, which isn’t always a major loss, but can cause nonetheless. If you work every weekend, you’ll end up missing out in not just relaxation from school, but free time that could have also been used to study or catch up on school work.

Before even considering a job, map out what days you think you will be available and won’t clash with school. Also, be conscious of just how many hours you work during the weekday. Working late nights will affect how you rest and how you’ll feel the next day. Creating a balance between work, school and otherwise will help keep things sorted out.

Those things aside, the most important thing to remember as a high school senior and part-timer is to not sweat the small stuff. Balancing grades, along with college plans, and work, are all things you are experiencing for the first time. Right now it might feel overwhelming and stressful, but years, maybe months later, you’ll look back and realize how stressed out you felt over something so little. That is not to say that all sense of responsibility should be thrown out the window, but rather to not make mountains out of molehills

Life is not easy, and the real world isn’t always fair, but remember that it’s not about trying to be perfect. Strive for your goals and achieve your dreams, but don’t forget to stop and breath for a second.