Donald Trump under a microscope

John Mahoney '19, Patriot Staff Writer



290 electors, 60,265,858 people voted for Donald J. Trump, (a man who sued Bill Maher over a joke).

The worst part about this whole thing is that if It was like Obama’s time in office, where congress was against him and fought him on everything, that would be ok because then he would not get any of his paranoid gibberish he calls bills passed,

But no, both houses have a majority of republicans, so we will have a working, fully functional, government doing anything in it’s power to destroy all of the progress that has been made in the last 50 years, and all of it watched over by, as Bill Maher describes him as, that orangutan love child.

Is this really who the people want to lead them into the future, or should I say the past? This racist orange Muppet?

I keep having flash backs to what Hunter S. Thompson wrote in 1972 when Nixon was about to destroy McGovern,

“Where will it end? How low do you have to stoop in this country to be president?” How low indeed Thompson, how low?

While I’m at it, why don’t I make a couple predictions for our next maroon of state: he will call a foreign leader a racial slur, then bomb their country, he will build his fabled wall, but will fall the have Mexico pay for it then he will have a temper tantrum over it,

And ultimately, he will resign to one of his vacation homes after one to six months from a mental breakdown from being unable to handle the pressure of the job.

I always knew that the corporate powers(or as I lovely refer to them as, Swine) ran this country behind the scenes thou campaign funding an other forms of disgracing the basic idea of human decency, but now it is just blatant, they took an orange pig and put a crown on him.

What is strangely fascinating about this whole thing is that Trump’s victory came out of nowhere, most polls I saw besides The LA Times said that Clinton would win be at least a good 1.8 to 5 and for

months I have read and heard in magazines and  news shows that the campaign would crumble a month before the election.

Out of all of my predictions and opinions, this is the first time in my life of following politics that I do not know where this country is going, but there is one thing that I can guarantee you, when that sorry accuse of a president is sworn in, I will start watching him like a hawk,

And when he starts lying and going back on promises, you can believe that you will hear it first from me. Sherlock Homes had Professor Moriarty, Captain Ahab had Moby Dick, Hunter S. Thompson had Richard Nixon, I have Donald J. Trump. I can’t do anything about him now, but I can watch, and I will be watching, your move Donald.