The Undecided Voter

D'Angelo Delgado, Patriot Staff Writer

The 2015 election came and went. People have voted, and as a result, Republican Candidate Donald Trump has become President-elect. To sum up the election, Trump won the electoral vote and most of the swing states. Clinton won the popular vote but didn’t have enough electoral votes, and as a result, Trump won the election and became the 45th president of the United States. Now, for most people, this didn’t sit too well.

There was also a major split among voters over whether to vote for Trump or his opponent in the left-wing, Former Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton. Most voters took one side or the other, nothing unusual there. However, a lot of voters, particularly millennials, didn’t really take to either side. If one were to ask one of these undecided for a reason why they didn’t vote, the response you are likely to hear is “I don’t like either of them”. That isn’t a good enough reason to not vote. To be objectively fair, they were probably thrown off by both Trump’s controversial ideas and Clinton’s email scandal. Even so, it’s not about which candidate is worse compared to the other. America has the privilege of choosing its leader through a democratic system, something that should not be squandered so easily. Not every candidate is or will be perfect, but people must choose an official to represent them and their best interests. Even if you think your vote won’t make a difference, in reality, it will.