2016 Mr. March-Phil Cresthull


Bria Lamonica, Editor-in-cheif

What is the charity you are representing?

American Heart Association . My father passed away suddenly from a heart attack on August 29, 2015. He was only 43. I’m hoping that other families don’t have to experience what my family has.

What quote best describes your outlook on life?

I love Chipotle.

What is your hidden talent?

I’m a super great athlete . I’ve got 19 varsity letters in 7 different sports.

Has the Mr. WT nomination changed your life?

Well, it definitely made me a lot busier .

If you had the chance, what would you change about yourself?

I am very lazy. As a matter of fact, these answers were due 2 weeks ago I think.

What teacher at WTHS has had the most impact on your high school career?

Mrs. Monaco, without a doubt. She had been there for me through it all. She is one of my favorite people in the world.

What person in your life has had the biggest impact on you as a person?

My dad has had the biggest impact on me. Growing up, I was constantly looking to him for acceptance. Although we constantly fought, when push came to shove, he always had my back.

What are your aspirations and plans for after graduation?

Get rich or die trying.