Emma Haley

What is the charity you chose to represent?  

The ARC of Gloucester County. The ARC (Association of Retarded Citizens) supports individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This organization works to ensure that these individuals have equal opportunities to live, work and socialize in their chosen communities.  My great uncle was born with multiple disabilities. He has had a great deal of support throughout his life from many different organizations including the ARC. When he was born my great grandparents were told he would probably only live for a few months.  I am happy to say he just celebrated his 85th birthday!   

I would also like to use this opportunity to bring attention to the R-word. Using this word to insult people is incredibly offensive. Please be mindful and understand how hurtful this word can be to those with intellectual disabilities and their families.  

Why do you best represent WTHS? 

I’m not sure I would say I best represent WTHS, that’s a bit bold to say about myself. But, my parents ingrained in my mind to treat everyone with respect and kindness. I would hope that’s how people might view me, and how I might “best” represent WTHS. 

What is your favorite pick-up line? 

“Something is wrong with my phone… It doesn’t have your number in it.”  

If you could pick anyone beside yourself to win, who would it be? 

I don’t think I could pick just one person to win. After getting to know all these wonderful girls and learning about each of their charity, I feel that they’re all so deserving. 

Favorite food? 

Medium Caramel Iced Coffee with cream and sugar. 

Favorite movie? 

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back 

Favorite music artist? 

Rex Orange County (and One Direction, it’s a tie honestly). 

What has been your most embarrassing moment at WTHS? 

At most dances I will do the worm with my best friend Abby Barca. It’s super embarrassing, but we probably won’t stop. We love causing a scene.  

What has been one of the most memorable aspects of your high school experience? 

My freshman year, the girls swim team won conference champs for the first time in school history. Being a part of the team and making school history was one of the best experiences ever!  

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 

Nothing, I’m literally perfect.  

Just Kidding! I would definitely change my hair, I’ve always wanted beautiful curly hair, or hair that I could dye and it would never be damaged.  

If you could change one thing about the world you live in, what would it be? 

I would change the rapid negative effects of climate change. It’s such a shame how humans will knowingly destroy our one and only planet home. I wish we could all come together and stop harming and protect our beautiful planet.  

What advice would you give to underclassmen about high school? About life? 

Do what makes you happy!! Highschool is the time to find yourself and to be a dumb teen. You’re going to make mistakes in life, especially at this age. Find your people, stick with them, and learn to be yourself and live every day to the fullest.  

Same goes for life, always do what makes you happy. Time is precious, so don’t waste it on something boring. Not to sound like a 2010 Justice commercial, but YOLO!  

What are your plans and goals for after high school? 

Plan A is to marry rich. Otherwise, Plan B is to attend college and study entertainment management to pursue my dream job of working in the music industry and working as some sort of band manager.  

What teacher or faculty member has made the biggest impact on your high school career? 

Our high school is filled with such wonderful teachers and staff it’s so hard to pick just one person. I would say Mr. Wong, Señor Dziergowski, Mrs. Bickett, Mrs. Molloy, and Mrs. Henry all stick out to me. These teachers made school worth coming to and I will forever appreciate them. 

Who in your life has had the biggest influence on you? 

My parents and my two older sisters definitely have the biggest influence on me. My parents are truly great people, and my sisters are two of the coolest and inspiring people I know. (Don’t tell them I said that though!) 

What did you learn from the pandemic? 

I learned to appreciate every moment. You truly never know when the last time you may see a person or be able to go out and experience life.  

What is one thing you cannot live without? 

Dunkin Donuts! I actually live there.  

What is something about you that most people do not know? 

I’m actually Radio Rebel… 

Describe yourself in three words: 

Runs on Dunkin 

If you could bring one person, thing, and appliance to a deserted island, what would it be? 

My one-person would-be Harry Styles for obvious reasons. My one thing would be duct tape, because I feel like I could learn to survive with just that. And my appliance would be a stove to cook food.   

What has been the best part about being on the Homecoming Court? 

The best part of this entire experience has been getting to know the girls. I love that the court brings together such a mixed group of girls from all different clubs, classes, activities, and sports within our school. Getting closer with these girls, who I wouldn’t necessarily have had the opportunity to know, has been amazing!  

What animal do you most identify with? 

“On all levels, except physical, I am a wolf.”- that one vine.