Transition to new school presents challenge

Transitioning from one school to another can make a student feel nervous and excited. At WTHS, the staff makes that transition easier for their students. The nervousness that a student feels is usually due to the unknown.

One of those ‘unknowns’ that was a major source of nervousness and excitement for me was meeting new people and making new friends. These people didn’t know who I was. So many new kids recreate their images, and become more of who they want to be.

Sometimes it can be hard to make new friends because students already have preexisting bods with others based on commonalities. Sharing a common environment is one thing that can relate to each other.

When transferring to a new school one can’t relate to their peers in that aspect. Because of this one’s true personalities are revealed. This aspect can either create wedges between students or build strong relationships among them.

Creating ones new ‘brand’ can be done by exploring aspects of their true personality. One can explore the more introspective characteristics of oneself. Such as views on topics such as politics, religion or nature. I feel that conforming to the ‘normal’ thought processes of society can cause one to lose their true self.

However, conforming to the common ideas of society can be one new ‘brand’ that you create in order to be liked or popular. However, I believe that the popular opinion isn’t always best.

Being yourself is important. Learning who you are is valuable. Transferring to a new school can give you the opportunity to do this, and to understand the importance and value of staying true to who you really are.

These are all just ideas of how you can turn nerves from starting a new school into excitement. There are so many things to look forward to when joining something new, or just trying something you always wanted to do. Transferring schools can be a challenge but it can also be a chance to start over again.