School Uniforms: Adorned Conformity or Just Because I’m Lazy?

Joe Campo '17, Commentary Editor

I wake up at 6:15, take a quick shower, brush my teeth, and go to look for clothes to put on. Clock says 6:35; bus comes at 6:40. Do I have five minutes to get dressed, do my hair and get on the bus? If I pick out my clothes the night before, yeah I can get that done pretty easily- but sifting through drawers and looking for the right clothes to wear is pretty demanding if I’m in a rush.

“Didn’t I wear gray yesterday?”

“Is it cold enough for sweatpants?”

If I had a school provided uniform, I could just throw that on and walk out my door with no worries, but I don’t. Some would argue that it denies student’s the ability to express themselves. Personally, I think there’s more productive ways to express your identity than what you wear- wearing something to make yourself feel like an individual sounds pretty superficial anyway.

Personally, I like semi-formal attire. Maybe a tie, some nice pants and a dress shirt could actually look pretty good compared to what I wear now. On a different note, I personally think that a less casually dressed student body would present the school in a more professional light.

Maybe if everyone were dressed the same, it would break down some of the walls of the ‘social classes’ that separate a lot of the students. You wouldn’t be able to tell who could or couldn’t afford nice clothes; there would be less judgment based on what you wear.

This is nice and all, but honestly my main push for supporting a school uniform is because I’m lazy and hate picking out clothes in the morning. I like to pretend to frolic in the school-uniform meadow of my imagination, opening my closet to see three pairs of pants and four identicalhirts, not having to make decisions. Perhaps it is not laziness at all. I just like to believe I need more simplicity and practicality in my morning routine. Couldn’t we all?