Washington Township High School’s drama department showcased their talent once again with the 2024 Spring musical The Prom. Directors Mrs. Molotsky and Mr. Stephan delivered a heartfelt and entertaining play on March 14th with the help of their cast and crew, bringing a story of love and acceptance to the stage.
The Prom takes place at a High School in Indiana where a girl named Emma wants to take her girlfriend, Alyssa, to the prom, but the school does not allow it. When four Broadway stars hear about the situation, they come to Indiana to help the girls go to prom together. The audience follows the high school students and Broadway stars on their journey to make the prom inclusive and welcoming to all of its students. Even with its heavy topic, Twp Drama’s rendition of The Prom maintained an upbeat and lively demeanor.
“The kids are learning how to deal with a lot of different aspects of being in a show from an interesting and relevant modern-day topic to learning how to maneuver what kind of costumes and props you need for the next scene,” said Molotsky.
Directors and cast worked together to overcome challenges within the play, like how to handle the topic of sexual orientation. Delivering a topic of this intensity to the stage in a meaningful way involves a lot of attention to detail with each line that is delivered.
Along with executing the message in a heartfelt way, the cast and crew had to deal with the multiple set and costume changes and moving parts involved. They had to learn how to execute a dynamic play and deliver its message in a sensitive and considerate manner, making this play a challenge but one that paid off, nonetheless.
“Theater can be entertaining, but I love theater that inspires people to think or ask questions or question their thought process about a lot of things,” said Mr. Stephan.
All cast and crew put in hard work multiple days a week in order to create a show that is high energy and fun yet showcases their skills and delivers the intended message clearly. Rehearsals and the overall set up were a highly involved process that called for dedication and determination, both of which were fully delivered by the Township Drama crew.
In most plays, movies, and other forms of entertainment, there is a specific moment that brings the theme or message of the show to the forefront. Whether it has shock value or is a conclusion of everything that just happened in the show, this moment is intended to grab the audience’s attention and is most likely to stick with them, making it incredibly important to the development and success of the show. Township Drama’s execution of the finale portrayed the play’s overall theme of love, acceptance, and inclusivity, with such strength to ensure that these themes stick with its audience.
“I think the finale is really important because it talks about building a prom for everyone,” said Mr. Stephan.
On the surface, a play is merely a form of entertainment. But when you pay close attention to it, you will notice the message of the play as well the amount of time and dedication put into executing this message so well. For Township Drama, this play was an exhausting challenge. It was new to not only the students but to staff as well and was something the cast and crew all had to adjust to in order to produce a play of their standard.
“I always say that theatre is magic and what it does for these kids is it gives them the skills of adaptability, cooperation, earning poise, learning to be motivated, being resourceful. I think everything they learn by being in a show translates to the outside world,” said Molotsky.
Mrs. Molotsky and Mr. Stephan put together another successful play that showcased all of the talent Washington Township High Schools drama department has to offer, one that was full of energy and a message that can’t be forgotten.