Township AFJROTC takes new school year head on

Members of the WTHS ROTC program prepare for the 2020-21 school year.

Gianna Casella '22

Members of the WTHS ROTC program prepare for the 2020-21 school year.

As  COVID-19 restrictions force classes, programs, and clubs alike to adapt; the NJ932nd AFJROTC program is no exception. The Aerospace Science Instructors (ASI’s) are embracing these changes head on and preparing to help guide their cadets into the new normal.  

For Lieutenant Colonel Beth Ann Lumpkin (Senior Aerospace Science Instructor), along with Master Sergeant Richard Harris and Master Sergeant Jeffrey Hood (Aerospace Science Instructors), the biggest change so far has been not seeing their cadets every day. 

 Colonel Lumpkin described how she misses her daily classroom interaction with the cadets under her wing. “The ASIs miss all our cadets. We are a family and we love to hear your stories and let you know daily how proud we are of the NJ-932 cadets.” 

Many of AFJROTC’s biggest events are unknowns this year, including the annual drill competitions and military ball. Field trips have also been suspended in an effort to limit students’ exposure to COVID-19. In the past, cadets have traveled to many unique places that aligned with their instruction such as Dover Air Force Base (Dover, DE) and McGuire Air Force Base (Burlington County, NJ). 

One of the most significant aspects of the AFJROTC program is the uniform. In the past, all cadets were expected to wear the uniform once a week. Now that students are on three different schedules (cohorts A and B and fully remote), the protocol for uniform inspections had to be adjusted.  

“We will have the same standards for those who are 100% virtual and those who are hybrid,” Lumpkin stated, “It will be a challenge to catch the small details but easy for the big ones.”  

Despite the changes and uncertainty in the coming year, throughout both the AFJROTC program and WTHS as a whole, Colonel Lumpkin has faith that this will be a successful year.  

 “They [the students] are capable of anything they set their mind to, and I am excited to see what each cadet can add to the program.”