Business Teacher Inspires Students

Julianna Ford

Alexandria Bride is a hardworking teacher who shares her knowledge with students every year at Washington Township. She is a petite blonde who has many hopes for her career and future.

McBride was a student at Washington Township herself. She was a member of Monthly Rewind and Interact and had hopes of once being in broadcasting or marketing. “I enjoyed high school,” McBride states, “I was involved a lot. I had the same boyfriend all four years. Don’t do that,” she said jokingly. “You should hang out with your friends and not get caught up in the drama.”

After graduation from high school, she attended Ursinus College and got a degree in media and communications. Before getting a job at WTHS, she worked in sports/sales for Comcast spectra, which she enjoyed.

McBride has been working at Washington Township High school for four years. “I will always be a teacher unless something gets in the way on that,” she said. She began as Ms. Simpson’s long term substitute teacher and taught some business classes. She then got a position with the school and became interested in DECA, Washington Township’s business program. She was volunteering with the program and after the advisor at the time stepped down, she was asked to run DECA. She happily accepted, since the program is connected with the classes she teaches. She has now been at that position for two years.

McBride is soon to be married and hopes to continue working at Washington Township for her future. In 10 years, she hopes to be attempting to go into administration. She will be married and the mother of four dogs, she laughed about. Her dream job would be an athletic director and would be willing to switch schools to do so. In the future, she sees a possible move to along the coast, but stated, “I need to be two hours within a beach. None of that Nebraska stuff.”

With her years of experience, she states to new teachers, “Don’t give up and don’t take things personally,” she said.

McBride’s hard work and college degree has definitely paid off. Her upcoming wedding and new adventures are all things McBride has to look forward to in the future.